Products & Services
Household's Comprehensive
This policy covers damages caused to your personal property by such perils as follows: Fire (including bushfire) and Lightning Hurricane, Windstorm, Rainstorm, Tornado, Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption and Tidal Wave Flood, Heavy Rainfall and Sea Surge, Riots, Strikes and Malicious Damage Aircraft Explosion, Impact Burst Pipes Burglary & Theft (accompanied by actual forcible and violent breaking into or out of a building) – subject to adequate security Policy can also be extended to include All Risk cover for specific items, Public/Personal Liability cover, and Loss of Rent or Cost of Alternative accommodations. A proposal form must be completed and the policy is subject to an excess/deductibles.
Quote NowCommercial
Fire, Lighting, Explosion Only:
This policy covers damages caused to your commercial property by perils such as Fire (including bushfire), Lightning and Explosion only
Quote NowFire and Associated Perils including Catastrophe Perils:
Fire (including bushfire and Lightning), Hurricane, Windstorm, Rainstorm, Tornado, Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption and Tidal Wave Flood, Heavy rainfall and Sea surge, Riot, Strikes and Malicious Damage, Aircraft Explosion, Impact, Burst Pipes
Quote NowFire and Associated Perils excluding Catastrophe Perils:
This covers physical loss to your commercial property by the following perils: Fire (including bushfire and Lightning), Riot, Strikes and Malicious Damage. Aircraft Explosion, Impact, Burst Pipes. The perils of hurricane, windstorm, flood, earthquake and volcanic eruption are not covered. A proposal form must be completed and the policy is subject to a deductible.
Quote NowProperty All Risks (PAR)
Property All Risks Policy covers accidental damage to insured property in addition to the Fire and associated perils and Burglary. This Policy indemnifies against the accidental physical loss or damage to the Property Insured including fire, lightning, aircraft, explosion, earthquake, strike, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, storm, tempest, flood, bursting and or overflowing of water tanks, pipes and apparatus (including sprinkler leakage), impact by own vehicles, theft or attempted theft (by violent and forcible entry to or exit from the premises) and accidental loss or damage
Quote NowBusiness Interruption cover
This covers loss of income that a business suffers after a disaster while its facility is either closed or in the process of being rebuilt. The cover is designed to put a business in the same financial position it would have been in if no loss had occurred. This coverage is typically not sold as a stand-alone policy, but can be added to the Fire or Property All Risks (PAR) cover. Business Interruption coverage includes: Profits that would have been earned (based on prior months' financial statements); Fixed Costs- Operating expenses and other costs still being incurred by the property Temporary Location- Some BI policies can include the extra expenses for moving to, and operating from a temporary location; Extra Expenses- reimbursement for reasonable expenses (in addition to the fixed costs) that allow the business to continue operation while the property is being repaired.
Quote NowBurglary/Theft (standalone)
Standalone Burglary insurance covers loss of or damage to the property insured by Theft, following entry into or exit from the premises by forcible and violent means, including coverage for stock in trade, furniture, fixtures and fittings, plant machinery and equipment, tenants improvements and betterments.
Quote NowMotor
Comprehensive Private:
Comprehensive Motor Insurance will cover damages caused to your vehicle in the event of an accident (regardless of who’s at fault) as well as damages to other persons if you are found to be at fault.
Quote NowThird Party
Third Party Liability insurance covers you against damage to other persons in the event of an accident.
Quote NowCommercial
Several types of Commercial/Fleet insurance are available for businesses, depending on the nature of your operations and cover can be tailor made, third party or fully comprehensive.
Quote NowLiability
Public Liability
This cover protects the employer for loss or damage to Third Party Property and / or death or bodily injury to Third Parties arising out of Insured's activities at the premises or within the territorial limits defined under the policy The Scope of Cover include: Compensation for accidental death, bodily injury or disease to third parties. Damage to or loss of property belonging to third parties arising out of an accident, including legal costs incurred with the prior consent of the insurer. Legal and civil liabilities of the directors and officers of the company. A proposal form must be completed and the policy is subject to an excess/deductibles.
Quote NowProduct Liability
This cover is geared to cover your legal liability for loss or damage to Third Party Property and / or death / bodily injury to Third Parties arising out of use of products manufactured , constructed, sold or supplied by you or your employees while engaged in the business.
Quote NowWorkmen's Compensation/Employer's Liability
This policy covers compensation for Personal Injury by accident under the ‘Workmen’s Compensation Act’ in force when the policy is issued. It also provides compensation for injury or death by occupational diseases as specified under the ‘Act’ in force at the inception of the policy. Under common law Employer’s Liability, an employer is not an insurer of his employees, but he can be liable for their injuries when there is a breach of common law duty of care.
Quote NowProfessional Indemnity
This policy provides coverage for professionals whose clients have suffered a loss as a direct result of the professional’s action(s) while performing their duties to his or her client, and coverage is usually given to attorneys, accountants, insurance brokers, land surveyors and valuators
Quote NowMedical Malpractice
Coverage for the acts, errors, and omissions of physicians and surgeons, encompassing physicians professional liability insurance, hospital professional liability (HPL) insurance, and allied healthcare (e.g., nurses) professional liability insurance.
Quote NowMotor Contingency
This covers expenses not covered by a primary plan, and/or insurance for remote risks that the primary policy is slow to cover.
Quote NowHaulier's Liability
Hauliers Liability Insurance protects organizations involved in the transportation of goods belonging to others. This policy is to indemnify against all sums that a carrier or bailee is legally liable to pay in respect of: The scope of cover is: Loss or destruction of or damage to the Goods in Transit occurring in the period of insurance due to Fire, Lightning, Explosion, Collision/Overturning of Conveying Vehicle, Theft and Loss/Damage During Loading/Unloading Indirect or consequential loss following destruction of or damage to the Goods in Transit, excluding any liability arising from late delivery in respect of any transit, loss of or damage to any goods owned by the Insured, or property belonging to any third party other than the Goods in Transit
Quote NowEngineering
Contractors All Risks (CAR)
Contractors' All Risks Insurance [CAR] covers the interests of contractors involved in civil, mechanical or electrical contracts like construction of buildings, bridges, dams, towers etc, against their exposure to loss, damage or liability by a variety of external and internal causes during the course of construction. The scope of cover for CAR insurance is: Accidental damage during construction; Fire, lightning; Water damage, flood, storm and tempest; Collapse, collision, impact, burglary, theft and malicious damage, aircraft; Breakdown or explosion to any part of the contract e.g. Lifts in buildings etc; Consequent damages due to defects in material casting, workmanship and design; Riot, strike, subsidence, landslide, cyclone, hurricane, earthquake, volcanic eruptions. Accidental damage during construction Fire, lightning Water damage, flood, storm and tempest Collapse, collision, impact, burglary, theft and malicious damage, aircraft Breakdown or explosion to any part of the contract e.g. Lifts in buildings etc. Consequent damages due to defects in material casting, workmanship and design A proposal form must be completed and the policy is subject to an excess/deductibles.
Quote NowErection All Risks (EAR)
The scope of Erection All Risks (EAR) cover is like the Contractor's All Risks (CAR) Insurance but specifically designed for Erection/Installation projects, where the values of the Plant/Equipment to be erected dominate the Contract Value. This cover is offered to Contractors and Principals and their subcontractors engaged in erection activities. The Policy comprises of 2 Sections: Section I - Material Damage: Covers physical loss, damage or destruction of the property insured Section II - Third Party Liability: Covers the legal liability of the Insured as a result of bodily injury to third party or property damage belonging to a third party arising out of performance of the contract works.
Quote NowContractors Plant and Equipment (CPE)
The policy covers sudden, accidental, external damage to your machinery such as various types of mobile equipment like earthmovers, excavators, cranes, shovels, forklifts due to any cause whilst at work, at rest or during maintenance operations at construction sites only. Coverage is extended to include electrical or mechanical breakdown and indemnifies the insured for replacement or repair.
Quote NowMachinery Breakdown Insurance
Machinery Breakdown cover caters for sudden and unforeseen damage to plant and machinery due to breakdown of its working parts.
Underwriting consideration:
The underwriting process includes understanding the nature of the business, the value of the equipment also whether machines are new or second hand.
We must have the full information on the plant (including a survey to assess plant condition) and information on manufacturer of equipment, year of manufacture and operating capacity.
The amount to be insured must represent replacement values and the policy is subject to the condition of average.
Proposal form must be completed and policy will be subject to a deductible.
Delay in Start-up (DSU) Insurance:
DSU is provided in conjunction with Contractors All Risks (CAR) or Erection All Risks (EAR).
The DSU policy is fully flexible and can be written and provided in a variety of ways to reflect the actual type of construction project and what the anticipated future earnings correspond to, such as:
Loss of gross profit;
Loss of revenue or rent;
Debt servicing costs;
Increase cost of working;
Even though there is no legal requirement to obtain DSU insurance, it has become very much in demand following a shift from governmental funding programs to Private Finance Initiatives (PFI) in respect of projects undertaken.
Bonds involve three parties – the contractor, the employer and the surety (guarantor). The employer is the recipient under the bond while the contractor and the surety together guarantee that the contractual obligation will be fulfilled.
If the contractor fails to fulfil his obligations, the surety too has failed. The employer can “call in” the bond, whereas the surety has rights to recover against the contractor. The bond remains in force until the obligations of the contractor have been complied with and completed.
On completion, the employer will release the bond and the surety’s risk ceases. There is no cancellation clause in a Bond contract.
There are several types of Bonds:
Performance Bond
The most popular bond. This bond guarantees that the contractor will perform his obligation under the contract and is usually done for a percentage of the contract value. The Scope of Cover include: Compensation for accidental death, bodily injury or disease to third parties. Damage to or loss of property belonging to third parties arising out of an accident, including legal costs incurred with the prior consent of the insurer. Legal and civil liabilities of the directors and officers of the company. A proposal form must be completed and the policy is subject to an excess/deductibles.
Quote NowBid or Tender Bond
This bond satisfies the employer that the bid is a reasonable one and once the bid is accepted the contractor will effect a contract to perform the work including any bonding requirements. Any claims made would be based on the costs incurred in undertaking another tender procedure.
Quote NowAdvance Payment Bond
This bond is similar to a Performance Bond in that, the employer receives a guarantee that any monies they have advanced will not be lost as a result of poor performance or default by the contractor. Under common law Employer’s Liability, an employer is not an insurer of his employees, but he can be liable for their injuries when there is a breach of common law duty of care.
Quote NowMaintenance Bond
This bond guarantees that once the contract has been completed, the contractor will fulfill his obligation during the defects liability period. It may be issued in lieu of retention monies during the maintenance period.
Quote NowCustom Bond
This bond guarantees that payments would be made in respect of Customs Duties to the Government for goods imported and/or re-exported.
Quote NowMarine
Marine Hull
Yacht and Pleasure Craft Insurance:
This insurance covers vessels used for private pleasure purposes, and covers Loss of or damage to the vessels by specified perils, Legal liability for bodily injury to any person and/or damage to Third Party’s property arising out of the use of the vessel, and may include cover for associated legal costs.
A proposal form must be completed and the policy is subject to an excess/deductibles.
Marine Commercial Vessel
This covers hull, machinery and equipment of commercial vessels, small work boats, tugs and barges against damage caused by Loss or damage to the vessels by specified perils and Legal liability for bodily injury to any person and/or damage to Third Party’s property arising out of the use of the vessel.
A proposal form must be completed and the policy is subject to an excess/deductibles.
Marine Cargo/Goods in Transit
This insurance covers cargo being transported overseas, and provides coverage for Loss of or damage to goods (cargo) being transported from country to country by approved vessels and/or by air.
A proposal form must be completed and the policy is subject to an excess/deductibles.
Financial & Executive Line
Fiduciary/Fidelity Insurance
This insurance covers the direct pecuniary losses which results from acts of fraud and dishonesty committed by employees. Underwriting guidelines for this cover is focused on the persons handling the cash and the system of supervision and checks and balances.
This coverage can be offered on an individual employee basis or ‘blanket’ coverage (for all employees).
Cash in Transit (CIT)/Money Insurance
A necessary part of business involves collecting and transporting money. CIT/Money Insurance covers against loss of money during and outside business hours, whilst in transit, at homes of authorized persons as well as damage to safes or strong rooms.
Quote NowCrime Cover
Comprehensive crime covers infidelity of employees, the protection of assets on the premises or in transit, forgeries and counterfeits, and damage to the office or its contents.
Quote NowSpecialist Crime and Extensions
Specialist crime policies and extensions covers electronic/computer crime, plastic cards, extortion, Assurance/Insurance company forgery risks, ATMs and mortgage fraud.
Quote NowCyber Crime Insurance
The covers computer theft of money, securities, and other property by using a computer to transfer covered property from the insured's premises or bank to another person or place. Also covers computer theft of information and computer vandalism.
This coverage protects against losses occurring directly to the insurance holder, covers damage to the data, software, and systems of an organization, business interruption due to software or system failure from cyber-attack and includes cyber-extortion protection, which covers ransom costs and negotiating expenses.
Political and Credit Risk Insurance
This cover can be arranged for institutions with assets or investments in emerging market countries with deemed high political and credit risks, providing cover against expropriation or confiscation of their interests
Quote NowDirectors and Officers (D&O) Insurance
Anyone who serves as a director or an officer of a for-profit business or non-profit company may be at risk of a personal claim as a result of that position.
The cover is intended to protect individuals from personal losses if sued as a result of serving as a director or an officer of a business or other type of organization. It can also cover the legal fees and other costs the organization may incur as a result of such a suit.
Mortgage Indemnity Insurance
This cover protects mortgage lenders against default by their borrowers, enabling lending institutions to remove these exposures from their balance sheets.
Quote NowBankers Blanket Bond
The Bankers Blanket Bond Policy (BBB) covers direct losses (actual damage) sustained by financial institutions as a result of wrongful acts of their employees or third parties.
The main purpose of the BBB policy is to provide blanket protection to a financial institution against losses resulting from its employees’ dishonest or fraudulent acts (performed individually or in collusion with other persons) and from third parties’ acts committed with the intent to obtain a financial gain or cause damage.
Credit Insurance
Credit insurance provides you with security against the risk of non-payment by your customers when trading domestically and internationally. Should a customer fail to discharge their debt, insurers will pay the creditor the amount of the outstanding debt.
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